Tuesday, 27 December 2011

DAY 1 - Ottawa to Sault Ste. Marie

First blog of the trip!! Good god was it ever difficult waking up this morning! As exciting as it was to leave on our adventure out to the Yukon, we only had MAYBE 6hrs of sleep following an extremely long day of tying up a  bunch of loose ends and packing the endless little things that need to come with us. Anyways we finally packed up our truck and aimed due west!

Ottawa 417

So Lau may look like she's wide awake, but she is forcing every single muscle in her face to look "decent".

Leaving Ottawa Valley...

 Made it to the big nickel!!! It's 1:30PM and we left Ottawa at 7:45AM, I don't know but I think that's pretty good time ;)

So we're flyin' down the 17 near Blind River and see this big red thing on the left. "Is that a chair?" Ya pretty much puts the one at Mont Tremblant to shame!!

It's crazy how much the weather changed from one place to the next. It went from cloudy, snowing, rain, snowing, blizzard, to cloudy and the temperature went from 2C to -8C in 3hrs!

We made it and in good time! 9hrs and 45min considering the fact that we were behind a plow for a good hour and were caught in half a blizzard!

Daily Thoughts
"I can't wait to get home, but I have to keep reminding myself that home is a whole new place" - Lau
"That beer felt good" - Kyle


  1. Excellent start to your trip and an excellent first entry in your blog! Sleep well -- there's another bit of road awaiting you tomorrow :))

  2. Glad to hear the first part of your trip went ok!

  3. Bravo pour ce blog! Bonne route et beaucoup de plaisir!

  4. Way to go Lau and Kyle! I remember how good that beer tastes after a long drive. See you in the Peg.
